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Cocos Island Endemics and Rarities 


Islands are cool by nature and remote, pristine and endemic-rich islands are just too cool to not be visited with an expert help of a local birdwatcher with years of experience on sea bird watching and endemic bird knowledge. 
Come Join on us on a unique experience of 8 days to the exotic Island and get the main 3 (almost 4) endemic species of the Island. The Cocos Finch, Cocos Flycatcher and Cocos Cuckoo. Also the almost endemic variety of Yellow (Cocos) Warbler. Plus up to 20 other pelagic bird species that can be encountered either in the waters around the Cocos Island or in the crossings to the Island. Red-footed, Brown, Masked and occasionally Blue-footed Booby along with Brown Noody and Great Frigatebirds are quite regular around rocky islets.
Wedge-tailed, Galapagos and Pink-footed, ShearwatersTahiti and Galapagos Petrel; Least, Black and Wedge-rumped Storm Petrel; Red-billed Tropicbird, Nazca Booby and at night the lovely and mysterious Swallow-tailed Gull among many MANY other are some of the quality pelagic bird species that can be expected on a "crossing" from mainland Costa Rica to the Island. 
Of course other marine wildlife is easy encountered either on the trip to or at the island waters. Sightings of Humpback Whales, Spotted Dolphins, Common Dolphins are regular in the way to the Island and an amazing number of colorful fishes, stunnings shoals of Silver Jacks and massive groups of White-tipped Sharks, Hammer Sharks and lonely but large Galapagos Sharks or Whale Sharks are quite regular sightings too. Sometimes even just by snorkeling along the calms waters around the island. 

Endemic species and other specialities of the Cocos Island regulary seen on our tours.

Background photo: A pair of Collared Aracari feeding on Bananas on the caribbean lowlands

© 2022. All photographs and text by Juan Diego Vargas. 

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